Art & Culture
Wild About Colour Nomenclature
Viva Magenta Very Peri Ultimate Grey Every year, Pantone releases their Colour of the Year, a trendsetting shade that is intended to, well, sell more paint, probably. 2024’s colour is Peach Fuzz, which…
Wild About Nature Poetry
Somewhere, there are orcas. Jarod K. Anderson, the Cryptonaturalist, wrote those words as the opening to his poem Orcas. Four simple words that convey hope and wonder and something bigger than ourselves. If…
Wild About Webcomics
Those of us who care about nature and the environment are often viewed as a humourless bunch who are more likely to wag a finger about plastic straws than laugh at the absurdity…
Wild About Urban Commons
Living in a community, whether it is big or small, urban or rural, allows us to access and benefit from shared resources. At a basic level, this includes infrastructure such as roads and…
Wild About Humour
What makes us laugh? Why does your dad think puns are the best thing ever? Why doesn’t anyone understand Gen-Z humour? On the surface, understanding humour seems like a simple proposition—we see something…
Wild About Maps
When was the last time you used a paper map? Years, probably. Or maybe never. Today, we rely on digital maps that come with built in directions and the ability to pull up…
Happy Anniversary, Little Blog!
Last August, I decided I wanted to create something that would celebrate the richness of the world around us. Life feels heavy these days and news and the internet only seem to add…
Wild About Political Art
All art is political. This truism of the art world seems especially valid as capitalism tries to wring the last dollar from every artist endeavour and AI hoovers up images to spit out…
Wild About Colourful Design
I love colour. When we moved into our bland suburban house in our boring suburban neighbourhood, one of the first things I did was to paint the front door a bright turquoise. The…
Wild About Creativity
Creativity is intelligence having fun. – Albert Einstein We often think of creativity as something that belongs to the arts, whether it be painting or writing or music. In reality, of course, creativity…